Saturday, July 08, 2006

partying it up

cute little cake right? polka dots are fruit roll-ups. ms. lisa's idea.

happy! ness!

linnea called it a garden party. well well!

all the food was really really yummy. a bit overwhelming.

all green and fresh things.

ms. kate's perfect gift for brae

lizzy came! so happy to see her..such a beautiful girl!! man man.

cutie sienna cleaning up afterwards! we pulled it off.! woot woot!


Anonymous said...

um time for a new entry!! pleeeease!

jeremy said...

I agree with chalice here. not being able to walk across the street to say hi and see what's going on, people always need new posts to catch up with you and everyone.

Sienna said...

just hold on a sec..would you?!

jeremy said...

sienna, that isn't physically possible.

SarahJ said...

Awwe Brae is wearing the shirt that you let me borrow..I love that shirt and it looks way better on her. haha Lovely!