Friday, September 28, 2007

dance magic dance

Chalice is a magical creature...i'm sure of it. and today is her birthday. her 17th! so if you're in her vacinity tell her happy birthday. if your not, call her. if you don't have a phone write her an email. no email, send a letter. give some love.

chalice, wish i could be with you today. hope you do something special or something special happens. miss you miss you miss you. so happy your are my little sister. and hey, for one whole day we're a year apart. then i'll jump ahead to 19 on sunday. so sorry.


kate said...

hey, I got to see Chalice all day since I was subbing at her school-two bouquets of flowers were delivered to the magical creature, students remembered their cards and 2 friends got her orange rubber shoes complete with privets (that you snap in). i brought cupcakes and candles for her class. She had lots of smiles today.

Sienna said...

two bouquets of flowers? sweet.! from who??

Lowen said...

holy crap! where did this picture come from? who took it?! AMAZING.

kate said...

lo, dont say crap and go to annie's blog-this took place on High Street by the art center

kate said...

lo, i mean go to Chal's blog

Anonymous said...

i miss you kyr! love you alot, thanks for this post. brought yet another smile to my day:)

Anonymous said...

**that would be red crocs with darling flowery jibets momma**

Damien said...


Anonymous said...

Lowen, annie is amazing. GO to her flickr site. now. it's linked on my blog under Flickr.

Sienna said...

picture needs to make bagpipe's "picture of the week"!!!!!

Michael Kendall said...


Anonymous said...



annie said...

well, personally, i'm glad that michael kendall speaks up so i don't have to indulge the dreadful compulsion to do so myself. :D

but ANYway--
happy birthday kyr and chal! yes yes yes. that's what i'm talking about. birthdays are good things!

in case nobody makes you a cake up on that blessed mountain, kyrie, i have made you one in my heart.

um, do you have to adjust baking times up there to correspond with the altitude, or is the mountain not that high? things take longer to bake at my grandmother's old farmhouse in vermont. or is it less long? i forget. one or the other. in any case, it's a good thing i baked you a cake in my heart and not up on a mountain somewhere, because with my nonexistent chef-skills it would have come out awful, i just know it.