Thursday, November 22, 2007

gingkos gone.

the wind blew strong last night and left the little gingko in our front yard without its leaves. they were so bright and yellow yesterday, attached beautifully to each baby branch of our three year seedling. it was sad when i looked outside this morning to it's naked branches but a pretty yellow circle of leaves decorated the floor below. papa wanted us to collect the good leaves and bring them in... who knows, maybe one will go inside some christmas cards this year and maybe your family will get lucky. maybe.



kate said...

This little tree was bought and planted by our dear friends Laura and Richard Era when Damien was first diagnosed with Leukemia and waiting to go to Hopkins. Laura and Richard and Ida and I held hands around that little tree and prayed that growth and health would happen in that little tree and in Damien. So far, so good for both!

linnea said...

ah, seeing that stack of fresh '07 Howard Christmas cards is a happy sight indeed. i really miss you all, and i hope that if The Lord brings us to Maryland for Christmas that i can make my way to that long wooden table where all the christmas creativity happens and sit with y'all, smiling and chatting and making christmas stuff.

i love you both. happy thanksgiving!!

D. Fresh said...

that 1st picture is a good one.. to whomever the credit belongs ;)

Anonymous said...

me. thanks danboy. :)