Sunday, November 20, 2005

my dear papa

well mom and papa are on their way to John Hopkins right now in the company of Mrs. Lisa, Mr. Chris and Bryce. and i'm here watching mason and pax. i took this photo right before they hopped into the SUV.

This girl will miss him beyond what words can convey. posted by kyrie


sem said...

praying . . .

kyrie, small group tonight if you want to come. whenever you can.

Sue said...

Your family is so special to us! We have been, are, and will continue to be praying for all of you.

linnea said...

Girl, man that is such a great picture of your parents. I love it. Your Papa definately knows how to look hip and cool. Who would EVER guess his age?

I will miss your Dad too.

grey rose (they/them) said...

i love your papa too. miss him.


love you sweet chickies