Wednesday, November 29, 2006

lookin for pennies

the pastrana side of the family (my mom's side) always has a a big second thanksgiving after the real thanksgiving. My mom and all her nine sibling's families get together to eat and play games. We play hard. Danny, my cousin, splits all 50 or so of us into four teams. We compete in mind games, riddles, math problems, word problems, relay races, dodgeball, scavenger hunts and egg races. We had a new activity this year: hunting for pennies! It's so funny because we all actually do it and put our heart into it. Cheating abounds. it really cracks me up cause we all really want to win. There were 40 marked pennies in the lawn we were playing in, so between events we all had our eyes glued to the grass. I found ONE! my team found TWO in all. next time, we need to do nickles.

1 comment:

funke said...

You have now officially gotten "pennies from heaven" stuck in my head...