Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Papa's Letters.

that's my little brother, Pax, on the stamp!

"There's no such thing in anyone's life as an unimportant day."
(the return address says.)

"Next after theology, I give music the highest place and the greatest honor." -Martin Luther

we each get a 2$ bill in every envelope...EVERY one! I'm known around this place for paying for stuff with 2$ bills. It's sort of funny.

We got this the other day inside an envelope... :)

arn't these amazing!? These are the kinds of envelopes we frequently get from our daddy...we get the coolest mail at this school. I so look forward to 11:30am everyday, to walk to my mailbox and see what new, creative envelope is waiting for me today from my papa. Thank you Papa, for bringing such warmth to your daughter's days.


funke said...

My sister worked the mail room when we were both lasses in college...

And her favorite letters to sort were always the ones from the Howard home.

"That family is the freakingest creative ever!"

So...you see, fun mail brings happiness to more than the obvious recipients. I bet your dad makes the postman smile.

funke said...

ah...though I don't want to spoil such a beautiful post...the addresses on the envelopes are VERY legible...don't know if you realized that, or if you mind having your address on the web.

funke said...

Ach! Now I feel like the creativity-squelcher! Ignore last comment. Ignore, I say!

Sienna said...

yeah, we don't mind the address. maybe we'll get more mail that way :)

John Ottinger III (Grasping for the Wind) said...

Spectacular! I wish I had been so lucky when at school!

Sienna said...

john otter, who are you?

faith said...

Wow, those are really fun.

Lindsay said...

Those are amazing. I want to meet your family. I feel as though it would be so much fun to hang out with all of you.

Anonymous said...

i stand convicted.

i MUST send more mail.
