Saturday, January 27, 2007

buried treasure.

I was cleaning on Saturday in one of your buildings and my team leader asked me if I had cleaned the "Writing Center" yet. I looked at him wondering what he was talking about and so he led me into this room that I was supposed to have been cleaning every Saturday since August but I had never been told about this room. I walked in though and immediatly saw these four prints and said something like "Oh my gosh! Why are these hidden back here?" These are four professors at Covenant and I don't know who did these pieces but I want so badly for them to be out in the open, not tucked in the back of some room. I called Kyrie right away and she came over to see them. She had heard about them but never found them. We both just stood in that room for awhile soaking up the coolness of art.


SarahJ said...

nicee... i need some art like that to put on my bedroom walls they are so plain.

Anyways just letting you know i finally updated my blog! I posted like 3 new entrys today! check it out.

Heiders said...

If you want to know, it was Elissa Weichbrodt, a Covenant alum, who did those. She blogged about them as she was making them, as I remember. My favorite profs!:)

Damien said...

Is that Cliff Foreman to the far left? What a great looking grouping.

Sienna said...


Anonymous said...

the english department in watercolor (I *think* it was watercolor?)

Hm. Yes. They need to be out in public so not just the writerly impaired get to see them.

Anonymous said...

yes, i love those paintings. i took photos of them too...

kyrieanna said...

yeah that's how we found out about them!