Saturday, January 13, 2007

posting sooN!

probably tomorrow. I have some fun stuff I took pictures of that i want to post and some of Kyrie's art too... so hang tight. It's coming...


news of the days though: Sienna decided and declared a major! I'm elementary ed and so entirely happy to have direction my life. so happy..


Damien said...

Way to go Sienna. I really think you're on the right track with Elementary Ed.

Damien said...

Oh by the way...24 tonight. Two whole hours of Jack and company, and then two more tomorrow night. Brae may watch it with us. (Don't you think she'd like it if she gave it a chance?) Where are you gonna be?

Sienna said...

she'd like it but she'd hate that she liked it. :)

she did that with Alias.

I can only do one show with studying and everythign so I picked LOST since Tobi and Kyrie are totally in that with me and we watch it together.. to get hooked on two wouldn't be wise.. but I miss my man Jack! :)