Tuesday, December 06, 2005

baby face jones

sienna, dosen't she have benjamin's eyes?

and mouth?

and nose?

doesn't she look just like him?

i think ben talked alot more.


linnea said...

HEY, snow is so nice.

p.s. Chalice, you are so cute!!

Sienna said...

Oh my heck. the identical of my Ben! I can not believe this... the cheeks and all. It's just so amazing how one looks like the next. wierd too..

kyrieanna said...

i thought her coat was ridiculously adorable. had pleats that made it poof out .

Sienna said...

chalice is that how long your hair is in that first picture? send me more pictures of your pretty face.. come on! they'e life to me.

Sienna said...

i know, i'm demanding and i hate demanding people but i don' hate myself b/c it's human nature to like yourself quite a bit.

but please comply and send. yeah?