Tuesday, September 12, 2006

We got a PACKAGE!

...and we didn't have to pay for it! I'm so not used to this. On the ship in Africa we had to pay for our mail. A box like this would have been around 15 dollars. So you can imagine my joy when I saw the notice in my mailbox that we had a package AND that it was free! Hannah Singer, we thank you (from our hearts) for such a beautiful surprise. I carried the box around with me for a couple hours not to show it off (but showing it to everyone I passed :) but to wait for Kyrie so we could go up to our room, turn on the music and open it together. The most charming little things starting pouring out as Kyrie cut the tape and started opening it and I took pictures. Little (much needed) packs of Tide, POPTARTS!!!, twizzlers, chapstick for both of us, peanut and m&m packs (4!), Make-up remover packets (one for each of us! this was probably the sweetest surprise in the box..we both flipped out!), throat lasanges for the cold going around right now, hot chocolate and tea packets...it went on and on. treat after treat. We've been visiting our room more then usual this day....knowing the box from hannah is up there, filled with treats. We just can't resist. The poptarts are gone and I think I ate all the peanute packets within the first five minutes. I tried to have patients. But it was hard. Thank you Hannah Singer!!!


faith said...

Hannah rocks! I got one from her too. She is so encouraging. I love Hannah Singer.
Oh and about the last post, you all look amazing in white. Wow.

Anonymous said...

how fun! Hannah is great at this kind of thing.


love y'all,

Anonymous said...

w00t! for my howie girls! i miss y'all tons and happy to send a bit o cheer!

SarahJ said...

awwe how wonderful...

Im alive kyrie i am...Just had nothing to post about latley but i just got a great idea though and i will post a new blog tonight!!