Monday, October 02, 2006

copy and paste!

for those of you who couldn't view the video, this is the link to it on YOUTUBE. try clicking it and maybe you'll be able to view it there. hope so. let me know. And it will probably be choppy but just give it time and it will come through..
todd, give it time. :)


Damien said...

Dear daughters,
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. We have enjoyed it over and over. Did you fasten your little heart on your Croc yet? And please post a goody goody gumdrops shot while the letters are still bright. We'll be thinking of you during Lost tomorrow night. Are you going to get to see it?

Sienna said...

now Im going to FIND a way to see it.. wednesday night??

Anonymous said...

goody goody gumdrop picture coming soon!