Monday, October 23, 2006

the library is a good place.

and beth orton is pleasant too. diana krall isn't bad either. i'm sitting in the library and i've listened to both. i've been here since 3pm and it's almost midnight. Tobi's beside me though and coffee and butterfingers (from my papa!) so i'm doing alright. i have to get back to my paper but i wanted to send this bit of advice, specially to soon-to-be-college students, out into the night's void:

don't wait until the last minute. don't do it, okay? just don't. make that decison now.

pray that i get this thing done too. it's due in 8 hours.

posted by sienna.


faith said...

Praying for you. I know that feeling. You go from Writing Club were Mrs. Hall is just happy that you did you paper to having to have papers on time and perfect, no more smilie faces on good papers.

myroaring20s said...

Too true! I am experiencing that process right now. I have a paper I should be working on but I'm not. I feel the motivation that sustained me for the first two years rapidly evaporating. But the library is still a place of quiet magic. I love it. Courage!

funke said...

Grad students need to hear this, too.