Wednesday, October 04, 2006

she's cool and she's my friend.

and her name is linnea ruth AND she might be coming to see us this weekend AND i'm about to wet my pants in excitement.


faith said...

I met Jasper Sunday. He is a funny little kid. I can't believe your grandparents watch him for two days. I would be so tired after all of that. Your grandparents do more stuff then anyone else I know. It is crazy. It makes me tired thinking about it. But I love them, dearly. Thanks for letting me borrow them this year. It is a lot of fun.

kyrieanna said...

arnt they active folk? i love's such a good way to spend retirement years, keep moving, keep doing things you love

funke said...

My grandparents still travel the world, swim/bike every morning, host dinner parties, get involved in the local politics, and put up their kids and grandkids from every which direction they come to visit them from.

You're right. It's good to see retirement doesn't mean you stop working. We'll be working in heaven, why stop just cause you're 65?

Anonymous said...

my dad met a man in a waiting room the other day who retired in 1964. . when he was 60!!

. . .man.. . i feel very young


I am very excited to see you both!
(very very very)

Anonymous said...


faith said...

He made me laugh. He is so full of life.